Love is in the air at La Mexicana Taco Bar, as Leslie & Kolea celebrate their wedding with family and friends! Join us for an evening of delicious Mexican food and drinks, great music, and lots of fun. Come celebrate this beautiful love story with us - it promises to be an unforgettable night!

Leslie & Kolea Before the Celebration:

L & K wedding celebration was unique. The couple actually tied the knot a few months prior. They had an intimate elopement with just their close family in Chicago. Leslie is from Fort Lauderdale so she wanted to have a celebration with all of her friends and family. Kolea is from Moldova and the couple plans to have one more wedding in Moldova!

Leslie & Kolea Before the Celebration:

L & K wedding celebration was unique. The couple actually tied the knot a few months prior. They had an intimate elopement with just their close family in Chicago. Leslie is from Fort Lauderdale so she wanted to have a celebration with all of her friends and family. Kolea is from Moldova and the couple plans to have one more wedding in Moldova!


Final Touches

After months of planning and anticipation, Leslie's wedding day had finally arrived. Her twin sister Michelle was there to help her with the final touches, like putting on her veil. I was honoured to be able to capture these precious moments between the sisters on such an important day. As Leslie finished getting ready, I could see the excitement and nerves building up in her. She was about to embark on a new journey in life, and I could tell she couldn't wait to start it with Kolea. With Michelle by her side, Leslie was ready to take on whatever came her way.

Group Photos

Once the final touches were done the nerves settled and Leslie got to take photos with all of her best friends. Leslie is beaming in each photo, surrounded by the people she loves most in the world. Her friends are laughing and joking with her, making sure she has a great time. It's clear that these photos mean a lot to Leslie, and she'll cherish them for years to come.

Circle of love

Leslie's friends all gathered around her, they each took a turn telling her what their friendship meant to them. For some, it was simply the fact that they had known each other for so long. Others spoke of the special bond they shared, and how Leslie had always been there for them when they needed her.But no matter what each person said, the underlying message was the same: that Leslie was loved, and that her friends were grateful to have her in their lives. As they spoke, Leslie's eyes filled with tears, and she could barely contain her happiness. She knew that these were the people who would always be there for her, no matter what happened in life. They laughed and cried together, and shared their excitement for her upcoming Wedding Celebration.



The Entrance

The bride and groom's entrance was one of the most talked-about moments of the night. The happy couple entered La Mexicana Taco Bar to the song "Party Rock", surrounded by their family and friends. The crowd went wild as they ended their entrance with an epic dip kiss. It was a moment that everyone will remember for years to come.

The First Dance

As the first dance began, Leslie and Kolea gracefully swayed to the music of Mozart. The crowd watched in anticipation, wondering what would happen next. Suddenly, the music scratched and changed to Justin Bieber's "Peaches." The couple continued dancing, much to the amusement of the onlookers.It was a fun and unexpected moment that got everyone laughing and enjoying the night. Leslie and Kolea definitely know how to have a good time, and their first dance was a perfect example of that!

Welcome Speech

Leslie & Kolea's welcome speech was all about laughter and love. CAN WE JUST SEE THE LOVE IN KOLEA'S FACE WHILE HE IS LOOKING AT LESLIE! Leslie even recited "I love you" in Moldavian for her final line to Kolea.

Bread Dance

 Next the couple participated in the Macedonian Bread Dance. The bread is round, like a wedding band, to signify something that has no beginning or end. 

The dance begins with the Kum (godfather) holding the bread above the married couple’s head. The entire wedding party and guests have a blast dancing the horo as the Kum holds the bread over each dancer’s head. At the end of the song, there is a traditional competition between the bride and groom. The couple each holds a side of the bread. On the count of three, the couple rips the bread apart. Whoever has the larger piece is crowned the winner, and deemed to be the head of the household. Who do you think won???




Garter Removal

Bouquet Toss

Filipino Money Dance

The money dance is a cultural tradition at many wedding receptions where guests offer the newlyweds money to dance with them, or they shower the couple with money. The custom is to help establish the couple in their new life together, or to show how much they are loved and appreciated.


Moldovan Dance

Hora is a traditional Moldovan folk dance where dancers hold each other's hands and the circle spins, usually counterclockwise, as each participant follows a sequence of three steps forward and one step back.

Kolea Birthday Song

Sparkler Send-Off